Just Like a Day at the Beach

Just Like a Day at the Beach

This was a big weekend in tourist town. First, there was the By Royal Invitation Only premiere of Angelina Jolie’s new film, First They Killed My Father. Surprisingly, we were not invited. Supposedly, this will soon be on general release throughout Cambodia and...
A Landing and A Shot Gun Wedding

A Landing and A Shot Gun Wedding

It’s a new year and a new segment of our new life — the Cambodian segment. Although I have been coming here to work for years now, this time it’s different. I have a newly retired husband with me not only to carry my bags (as he so quaintly puts it)...

Adventures in Teaching

This past week, I traveled up to a small town called Samrong in Oder Meanchey Province, near the Thai border. To be honest, I was a bit nervous. I’ve been to remote places before to teach, and I really didn’t know what I would find. This has been a very...