London Training

As I described in this post, I am now training people to facilitate my Writing Through workshops in schools and NGO’s throughout Cambodia. This past weekend, I held my first London-based training session and it was great fun. Ten of us came together in the...
Writing, Teaching and Writing Through Teaching

Writing, Teaching and Writing Through Teaching

There is no doubt that in today’s world of writers, teaching plays a big part for most of us. Some teach in university Creative Writing degree programs, but most teach in other places like retreats, writing organisations, schools, prisons, even their own living...
Workshop Results from Tampere, Finland

Workshop Results from Tampere, Finland

This has been a fantastic tour, and a busy one: 3 readings, 2 school workshops, lots of talking and eating and drinking. When I get frustrated by the difficulties of this writing life, I do need to remember how much it has enriched my life, too — all the new...