A Writer’s Road: Are We Done Yet?

Cancer comes with its own vocabulary. We’ve already learned about clear margins, PETscans, stomas, ports, intraoperational lasers. The latest addition to the list is scanxiety – the anxiety one feels as she/he goes into one of a long series of...

A Writer’s Road: Plan and Wait

It’s hurricane season. We’ve recently watched a new tragic storm hit Haiti. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of that small island, especially now as I await a potential big storm to hit my own island home. Thirty years ago this weekend, my...

A Writer’s Road: Gauging Progress

This week saw the beginning steps towards my second surgery. If anything should be a sign of progress for me, it’s that. Or so I would have thought. But instead of rejoicing at this new clarity around the next big date in my cancer journey, I became wobbly....

A Writer’s Road: Why Mars?

photo courtesy of nbclosangeles.com On February 18, 2021, NASA landed the rover Perseverance on the surface of Mars. Since the beginning of the space program, the question Why? has often been asked. Why spend so much money and time on these programs? And now, when our...

A Writer’s Road: Art Needs Community

In my last blog post, I wrote about my decision not to write for the theater just now. Given the present incredible financial strain on theaters and playwrights, I do believe that resources need to be channeled towards those voices who might otherwise go unheard, and...