A Writer’s Road: Cancer Conversations

Cancer is not easy to talk about. Some cancer patients decide to keep their cancer journey to themselves, discussing it with only those who must absolutely know. I have taken a different road. With my first utterance to my husband of the sentence I have cancer, I knew...

A Writer’s Road: My Body is Me

I’ll start with the update. The news is good, though complicated. All the tests indicated that the only cancer is that one nasty group of cells and nothing else, anywhere else. That is really, actually, all the news that matters. It means that we can go for a...

A Writer’s Road: From CoVid to Cancer

Last week I had my second vaccine dose. For me, the end of the CoVid nightmare is now in sight. Throughout this past year, I have written about my reactions to the pandemic here and here – the first 100 days, and then the second 100 days. As the vaccines became more...

A Writer’s Road: The Optimism Equation

Michael J. Fox, photo courtesy of www.movieguide.org I recently sat in on a Zoom interview with Michael J. Fox. He was talking about his new book, No Time Like the Future. He was great. He is great. He’s hard not to love, and although I’ve watched all his films and tv...

A Writer’s Road: When to Tell Your Story

A new question unexpectedly popped into my head recently. When is the right time to tell my next story? Initially, I thought that I should wait to tell it, either via a new novel or a play, because we are living in a world where, finally, stories are being told which...