A Writer’s Road: 2021 Reading List

The difficult year of 2021 kept up its angry stance until the bitter end, so I am two months late with my annual reading list. Mea culpa! But better late than never, and careful readers of this decade-long tradition may note that this year’s list is quite...

A Writer’s Road: Why Travel?

There is an old adage that says you should write what you know. And I agree – as long as you take the idea of ‘what you know’ very broadly. For example, there are many writers who have written novels about places they have only been to briefly or not...

A Writer’ Road: What I Read in 2019

I love year-end lists. I read them even if I’m not interested in the subject, just for the wonder of it, like The Year in Potatoes, or Messiest Celebrity Break-Ups of 2019. So I look forward to my annual list of what I read each year. I hope you’ll find it...
The Reading Hole

The Reading Hole

I find myself in the weird position of having finished reading my latest book, and also being at the bottom of my ‘To Be Read’ pile. What to do? There are so many new(ish) books I could move on to, of course. But it dawned on me that maybe this is a good...