A Writer’s Road: Who Am I Now?

It is exactly one year ago today that I wrote my first blog post about cancer, From Covid to Cancer. For the past few months, my family and I have found ourselves wondering about the timing. Isn’t it a year since the diagnosis? Isn’t it a year since the...

A Writer’s Road: Are We Done Yet?

Cancer comes with its own vocabulary. We’ve already learned about clear margins, PETscans, stomas, ports, intraoperational lasers. The latest addition to the list is scanxiety – the anxiety one feels as she/he goes into one of a long series of...

A Writer’s Road: Plan and Wait

It’s hurricane season. We’ve recently watched a new tragic storm hit Haiti. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of that small island, especially now as I await a potential big storm to hit my own island home. Thirty years ago this weekend, my...

A Writer’s Road: Forward Motion on Father’s Day

I’m writing this on Father’s Day and am, of course, thinking about my own father who really was my greatest fan. From the time I could talk, he always believed what I said (even when he knew I was lying), always knew I could do whatever I set out to do (even when I...

A Writer’s Road: Patience Works

They say 6 -weeks is the magic time for recovery. It seems to be holding true for me. I am now 6-weeks post surgery and this past week has seen a dramatic change in how I feel and what I can do, so while some of these essays have been difficult to post, this one is...