Researching the Next Novel

Researching the Next Novel

I try to give myself a break. I know that the year in which a new novel is published needs to be devoted to giving that novel the best start in life it possibly can get. That means spending a year setting up events, running workshops, writing pieces for blogs,...

On the Radio and Otherwise in Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur was the last stop on my SE Asian book tour. In 36 hours I had two events. One evening I drove about an hour out of town to the campus of The University of Nottingham, Kuala Lumpur. There I was hosted by the writer, Shivani Siguranathan, and was the guest...

What to Write Next?

By the time anyone reads this, I will have said my goodbyes to Cambodia for now, and will be setting off on my book tour around SE Asia. First stop, Bangkok. So it seems like a good time to take a moment and reflect on this trip in Cambodia, specifically how it will...

At the New Leaf Cafe, Siem Reap

Last night was my last literary event of my stay, and it was great that it was held at a new non-profit initiative, the New Leaf Cafe. This is a cafe cum bookshop cum arts hub and they specialise in selling books and then giving the proceeds to local NGO’s. I...