The Meaning of Literacy

The Meaning of Literacy

What do we really mean by literacy? This is something I have been thinking about a lot lately, both as a writer and as an educator. We know what we mean when we say someone is illiterate. Often, to those of us in the West, that word is used to mean stupid, at worst,...
Why the Novel?

Why the Novel?

It seems at least once a year somebody is railing about the death of the novel. I’ve thrown my hands up in despair about it so many times that I won’t bother to show you the links. But there’s a somewhat different and interesting take on the question...

Looking Back

I’m deeply grateful for the kind words and encouragement from the novelist, Lynda Renham. We share a common passion for Cambodia and here she takes a moment away from writing her hilarious comic novels to ask me about the changes which have occurred to my own...