It amazes me that this is now the third time in the life of this blog that I can show you a photo like this:
Don’t they look beautiful, despite my usual inexpert display? With so much of my attention still turned towards my Asian tour for A Clash of Innocents (I leave in 2 weeks!), I was afraid that this poetry collection, so dear to my heart, would be lost in the mix. But now that the book is here and I can hold it in my hands, I’m just as excited as ever. My last blog linked to a sampling of these poems that were posted on Peony Moon. Some people had trouble with the link. This is a better one here. Do go read some and see what you think. I’d love your thoughts on them. And if you are tempted, you can buy the book directly from Ward Wood here. And once again, here are the details of the launch, proceeds of which go to help support the Camden Cold Weather Shelters. Do come along if you can:
88 Tavistock Place WC1 (near Russell Square and King’s Cross/Euston Tubes)
Tuesday, 15 February, 2011
6.30 pm for 7
Poets from the floor are welcome. Refreshments will be available
Hey — and I just saw that the listing is in Time Out online as well.
And while I have your attention, I’d like to share with you an article that I found that updates my last blog’s discussion about the difficulty of sharing ebooks. It looks like they are coming up with the technology to make that work, after all — though it’s not easy. Read about it here.
How lovely it is. Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy… vxx
Congrats, Sue! It looks fab – really love the cover!
Thanks, guys.