There used to be a time when I couldn’t bring myself to make long-range plans because I couldn’t trust that I or any of my loved ones would be around to see them happen. It was a sad and difficult time of my life, but now I find myself planning away, months and months in advance, and then being astonished when the time has indeed rolled around and these events are happening here and now. This coming week sees two of these.
Last spring, while CurvingRoad was in the midst of producing its fantastic run of one act plays, we were offered the opportunity to participate in the pop-up theatrical event of the year, Theatre Souk. For five weeks, 15 of London’s most cutting-edge theatre companies will take up residence in an unused office building near Selfridges – 3-5 Picton Place W1 – and create a theatrical marketplace. Each room will have it’s own weird, wacky and wonderful happening taking place. The doors open at 7.00 pm starting Wednesday, 15 September. Then every Tuesday through Saturday nights into mid-October the Souk will be running, with performers vying for audiences, companies looking to relieve you of a pound here and a pound there in exchange for some new experience. CurvingRoad is thrilled to have been able to secure the rights to produce extracts from Laura Wade‘s acclaimed stage play, Breathing Corpses. Our space on the third floor of the Souk will be transformed into rooms in the “Mount Royal Hotel.” Bellhops will escort you there. But what will you find? Do come and see. I can assure you, Theatre Souk will be one of the most exciting and unusual theatrical events you’ll ever experience.
But I won’t be there on opening night. And why? Because even before I agreed to Theatre Souk, I agreed to judge, along with Tania Hershman and Brian Clegg, an event at this year’s British Science Festival in Birmingham. The British Science Festival is one of Europe’s largest science festivals, taking place each September. Each year the Festival travels to a different UK location, bringing the latest in science, technology and engineering. On Wednesday, 15 September, from 19.00-22.00 at The Old Joint Stock Function Room, the three of us will be reading, talking and listening to the writings of others. “There’s Science in My Fiction (and Poetry)” will be free, fun and open to anyone interested in the overlap between science and writing:
“What if..?” ask both scientists and fiction writers. What if a gene mutates? What if she never married him? Science is fabulous inspiration for fiction – come read out your science-inspired stories and poems to win great prizes, including a Focus magazine subscription and champagne.
I really am excited about this. Not only will I be able to muse about one of my favourite topics, but I’ll be doing it with two of my favourite bloggers. If you’re in or near Birmingham, please drop by and say hello!
That all sounds so exciting. Enjoy it.
The Souk sounds like great fun, as does the science and writing event.
I will have a small moment of silence in honor of the late Magnus Pyke.
It all sounds so exciting. Have fun.
I so wish I could come… and I do live within striking distance… but I’ll be at a client meeting in London that evening 🙁 Still, I hope it goes well; I’m sure you’ll let us know.
The Souk sounds fantastic. Enjoy your judging.