Genius Floored: a great title for a wonderful book with a great cover (sorry, the photo doesn’t do it justice). Published by Soaring Penguin, a small press that heard about the project and stepped up to help. Thank God for small presses…..
Friday evening I went to the launch/reading of this anthology which, I am most pleased to say, I am a part of. The collection is the brainchild of the poet, Ruth O’Callaghan, who is the whirlwind that organizes some of the most interesting poetry readings in London. For several years, she has been sponsoring readings throughout town in aid of the Cold Weather Shelter Projects in Camden. It’s an important local charity whose work is visible in a most tangible way all around us. As Ruth notes in her Foreword:
This anthology is a tribute to those poets who have consistently attended the Camden and Lumen poetry evenings — the proceeds of which support two Cold Weather Shelters for the Homeless. The guests at these Shelters actually sleep where the poets read which adds to the intimacy of the occasions.
The collection features poems both from readers from the floor and internationally known poets. Most of the poets included have already seen their work in print, although I believe that, for a few, this is their first publication. It is an honour to have my poem rest between the same covers as these emerging poets, as well as such recognizable names as Fiona Sampson, Marilyn Hacker, Alison Brackenbury, Alan Brownjohn, U.A.Fanthorpe.
Genius Floored is not for sale through bookshops or Amazon or The Book Depository. It is sold through Ruth and the poets and actually, most of the run is already gone. In some ways, this really is a collector’s item. But I do have a copy which I would love to give away to someone eager to read some fabulous poetry offered in aid of an important cause. I’m happy to post it first class to anyone anywhere. So, what is the competition? Well, I thought about it and I decided it is too important a book to do anything “cute” or flippant. So, just post a comment and tell me you want it. First come, first served, as they say.
You know, people sometimes ask what poetry does for us anyway. Well, quite a lot, really.
Yes, please, I’d love it 🙂
Angela Topping
Terrific. It’s yours! Email me your address to [email protected] and I’ll send it right out.
Damn, I’m too late!! I would have loved a copy as I’m just discovering a love of poetry I didn’t know I had!! Oh well, never mind….Anji I hope you enjoy 🙂
C x
That is a cool title!
Ooops too late but then I saved you a pile of postage so that’s good. The project sounds lovely. I’m glad you got to be a part of it.