A million years ago, back when my husband and I were young and “in transition,” there was a little expression we would occasionally turn to each other and say with half smiles and raised eyebrows: “flux sucks.” Well, this is certainly a good week to bring the old adage out of mothballs. After all the family celebrations of last week, these next few days are all about closing down one part of my life, opening up the next, shifting schedules and seasons, preparing for what lies ahead without giving up what has gotten me this far. A bit dramatic that. But it feels that way, not only because I’m preparing Number 2 Son for his life on the other side of the ocean, and because I’m soon heading off for a prolonged summer stay in the States, but also because my writing life is a bit on hold.

The first full draft of the new novel is complete and in the trusted hands of some friendly readers. I already know of some changes I want to make to the last chapter — thanks to my marvellous writing group — and I anticipate more suggestions coming soon. When I’ll actually get to make any of these changes is any one’s guess. No time soon, I fear. But in the past, when the writing of one novel was drawing to a close, I already had a pretty good idea what the next novel would be. But here I sit, nearly ready to close one book and open another, and the ideas just aren’t there. Actually, the theme is there. A possible character or two. But no plot. No place. No springboard. Although it’s not worrying (I do trust that in time the idea will come), it is annoying. I feel like I’m in limbo in so many parts of my life, and my impatience is showing, ie flux really does suck.

If I was reading this about a friend, I’m pretty sure I would know what advice I’d give. Let it go. Stop thinking about it. Get on with the necessities of life but just keep your eyes open and keep reading. Well, I’m tryin’. I’m tryin’. But if any of you wonderful people out there have any other ideas or thoughts for me at this time of limbo, I’d love to hear them.

In the meantime, maybe this will help.