This is prime religious season for us Guineys.  Passover and Easter all coming together at once — a seder Saturday night, Easter dinner on Sunday.  I’m sure this might seem weird to many, especially since we have kids. When D and I got married and decided we would practice both religions and raise our kids as both, we were met with varying degrees of skepticism, if not outrage.  I always use this time of year to take a quick look at how we have managed this admittedly iconoclastic approach to religion, and I’m pleased to say that, perhaps against all odds, it has worked.  It has worked well for D and I individually, and has worked well for the kids.  Each of them feels comfortable with each religion and its community. Each kid considers himself to have a spiritual side to his nature and is eager to ask the “big questions.” And perhaps most importantly of all, each kid has grown up to be tolerant of others, open to different ways of thinking, and respectful of this incredibly diverse world we live in.   As we all know, the Last Supper was a Seder, and although paths might have diverged over time, many of us come from the same stock. This is a good moment to remember that.

So why am I bothering to ramble on about this?  Maybe because I can.  Maybe because I have lived my life in the belief that life can be lived my own 

way.  Maybe because as professional parts of my life ebb and flow, almost always surrounded by frustration and discouragement, at this time of year more than any other I can sit back and say that there is one hard decision that I made well.  One subversive strike which has paid off.  Two enormous (over 6 foot tall)

creations which have made the world a better place.  Of course, I’m not advocating this for everyone or even anyone.  It’s just nice to think every now and again that perhaps one of the most difficult and controversial decisions of my life has turned out well.

Wishing everyone a Happy Passover, a Happy Easter, a Happy whatever-you-might-be-thinking about this weekend.  