This little game has been going around cyberspace lately, but it’s just too much fun not to waste an hour doing it.  So, if you’re looking for a good procrastination technique, let me recommend the following:
1. Band Name. Go to ‘wikipedia’ (click here) and hit ‘random article’. The first article it comes up with is what you call the name of your band.

2. Album Title. Go to “Random quotations” (click here). The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3. Album Cover. Go to flickr (click here). The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4. The Album. Use a graphics package to put it all together. (If you don’t have one then you can go here for a free online one).  As you can see, my band, Nephrotic Syndrome, has now produced its first album, “Squandering Ourselves for a Purpose” (actually, I couldn’t think of a better title myself — so fitting for this writing life of mine, don’t you think?).  And what could be more apt than a soft-touch picture of daisies to illustrate it all 🙂

5. TAG the friends you want to join in. Thanks to Jamieson, DJ and Carol for getting me to do this.  Now off you go and if you do give it a try please let me know….I’d like to see what you come up with.