Picture it: Borders on Oxford Street in London.  Rows of chairs full of expectant eyes, all turned towards a small desk, a display of books, a microphone.  Behind the desk, dressed in a perfect little black dress (couldn’t see the shoes) was none other than that beloved blogger, Caroline Smailes.  She smiled, she read beautifully, she made jokes — all in all, despite whatever fears or nerves she may have had, she was the consummate author, professional, fun, and with an easy flourish to her handwriting.  And so Black Boxes was finally launched.

It was fabulous to be there, not only to get my own personal signed copy (which is sitting here right beside me, waiting…waiting…), but even more to finally meet Caroline, who I’ve felt has over the past year really become my friend, although we’ve only met via the internet.  Actually, the entire evening felt like an internet reunion of sorts.  There were many of us bloggers there to support our Caroline:  Denyse Kirkby, Cathy, Sarah Salway , a host of “Novel Racers” who I, unfortunately didn’t get to meet (except Kathy I think — forgive me, the wine must have gotten to me). And there was a lovely bluechrome enclave, including the talented and funny Joe Stein.
A wonderful celebration, a warm and supportive sense of community — but enough.  It’s time to stop writing and start reading.