With all the theatre hubbub going on lately, it’s easy for me to forget that there’s a little matter of a novel out there, still waiting to be spread around.  Despite the bits and bobs of pr we’ve done for Tangled Roots, I still can’t shake the feeling that I have to sell each book myself so I’m taking my “show” back on the road.  Here are the details:

Tuesday, 16 September 2008
115 Commercial Road
Portsmouth, UK
11.30 am to 2.00 pm

Please do drop by and say hi if you’re in the area!!  And then, thanks to DJ Kirkby, I’ll be chatting with the good folk at 93.7 Express FM the following day.  I’ll let you know when that interview will be aired.
And speaking of pr — as so many of you know already, Caroline Smailes is definitely the creative queen when it comes to these things, and her latest foray into what I like to call “guerrilla pr”  is her amazing new widget for her latest, greatly anticipated novel, Black Boxes.  I’m going to make this posting short so I can now sit down and figure out how to get it onto my blog page.  Then it will be fun, fun, fun watching the thing flip around and lead us to marvelous
new places.
But before I leave, I must also thank Carol for the lovely award: 
You’ve made my day.  And now, as per the rules, I’l pass it on to some others.  Here you go Absolute VanillaDJ, Sarah, Vanessa, Tania.