Hot Fun in the Summertime

As I look towards this weekend, I see that it is all about making that leap to the new adventures that always seem unique to summer. On Sunday,  #2-Son heads off for a 6-week tour that will take him along the old Silk Road into the depths of westernmost China....

Sue's Handy Tips for a Successful Book Signing

Just as I promised, here is a list of helpful hints to get you all through those long hours of sitting alone in distant bookshops, trying to find that audience that you know has been there waiting for you, hovering around dusty bookshelves, lurking within nearby...

The End of the Road…For Now

This final leg of my book tour began with a trip on the ferry cross the Mersey, a trip I’ve been longing to make since I was…well…rather young.  The sun was shining.  Jerry and the Pacemakers were singing in my head.  It was a great way to start a...

Off and Running Again

I’m off again on the last leg of my book tour.  Just a quick reminder of where I’ll be and when.Friday, 20 June:  Liverpool  Waterstones, 14 Bold Street  1-2.30 pmand note the change of venue…..Saturday, 21 June:  Manchester  Borders, Manchester Fort...

There and Back Again

Well, I’m back from my weekend in NYC, a weekend that BA decided to extend an extra twelve hours by cancelling my flight home.  That did give us an extra day to toodle around the city, buy more stuff at what feels like cut-rate prices, and eat more junk.  But it...