On the top right you will see a wonderful new addition to my blog. It’s a widget put together by the terribly creative people at bluechrome publishing that celebrates two important events: the 70th birthday of the writer, Deborah Rey, and the launchof her debut autobiographical novel, Rachel Sarai’s Vineyard.
I’ve written about this bold, brave, evocative novel before here in my blog. But Deborah has provided us all with a videotape of her introducing Rachel Sarai to the world in her own words. She says it best, and so I urge you all to check out her blog right now and see and hear the author herself for yourself: http://rachelsarai.blogspot.com.
And, if you want to help celebrate with us and also spread the word about the arrival of the book onto the shelves of all good booksellers (not to mention some excellent websites), bluechrome tells you how here (listen, if I can make it work, anyone can!).
And wait. There’s more! You can also read a dialogue between Deborah and another incredible, much loved author — Caroline Smailes — on a new website that tells you what you are in for right up front: Author Talking to Author.
So there you have it: a milestone birthday is reached, against all odds.
a well-deserved first novel is launched
a widget is created
a videotape is filmed
a dialogue between authors is offered
How’s that for a Monday morning? So stop hanging around here. Go read, listen, click, watch and buy! All together now: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
Thank you very much, Sue!
Next stop: your Roots, those Tangled ones.
Cor lots to do there!