After my two week adventure, I spent the weekend catching up on all the things one usually catches up on after a holiday. But there was one special addition this time. A wonderful poet (and fellow bluechrome author), Nigel McLoughlin, has posted a recording of a reading he recently was asked to do. While the boys were at the footie, I took some time to quietly sit and listen. My God, it’s beautiful! I knew Nigel’s poetry before from his recently published collection, Dissonances, but hearing him read his work was so wonderful I have to share it with you. The audio can be found on buzzwords here and here and I urge you to take some time and give a listen.
Now, I’ve always been a sucker for an Irish accent, and Nigel has a most lilting one. But listening to him made me think once again about how different the experience of reading a poem is from that of listening to it. Wonderful in their own ways, but different. And it also made me think about how, in the midst of all the excitement and hysteria surrounding the launch of my novel, I have been neglecting the poetry and I do so at my peril. A teacher once told me that there really isn’t any difference between poetry and prose at all in that, at its best, it should all be poetry. That’s what we as writers should always be striving for no matter what we write. And it’s absolutely true.
Wow – that was amazing!! I love hearing things read out loud but even more so when it’s by the person that has written it. (He’s got a great voice for radio too!!)
Thanks for sharing this
C x
Hey Miss Pennywise Poet, I’ve just discovered your blog and am lonvig it. I too am a broke barista-come-writer planning a wedding, but on the other side of the Atlantic. It’s nice to know people face the same challenges all over the world. Can’t wait to read more xxx
What a beautiful voice, perfect for reading his poetry. You’re right, poetry heard is a very different thing from poetry read to oneself.
wise words Sue – about poetry and prose – they’re both ‘the accuracy of accurate language.’