Cambodia and Ireland Together, via Philippines

Anjali House Workshop: The Last Story

Here is the last in the series of posts on the blog, The Reading Life, highlighting the work of the last Anjali House Writing Workshop. In less than 6 weeks, I will be back in Siem Reap and leading the next workshop with these amazing students, and more. Thanks to Mel...
Cambodia and Ireland Together, via Philippines

Change is Coming to Cambodia

I have always believed that when people find their voice, they change their lives. This has been the foundation of my Cambodian-based writing workshop, and the work which has been highlighted over the past weeks on Mel u’s blog, The Reading Life, illustrates...
Chara's Story

Chara's Story

I hope everyone has had a good few days, whether celebrating Christmas was a part of it or not. Mel u has now resumed his series of posts on The Reading Life featuring writers from my Anjali House Writing Workshop. You can find the latest story here. The Master link...
Cambodia and Ireland Together, via Philippines

Sunday's Reading

Please see here for today’s Anjali House reading on Mel u’s The Reading Life blog. This is story is by a teenage boy we are calling “Robert.” Unfortunately, we don’t have a recent photo or memoir from him, but I can tell you that he was...