Is It Fiction?

Is It Fiction?

It has been an intense month of writing. My last post discussed finishing the first draft of my new novel. Today, I can report that I have finished the third draft and am about to send the manuscript to a ‘trusted reader’ who will give me some more...
Whose Story Is It, Anyway?

Whose Story Is It, Anyway?

I’m back in writing mode now, which is a lovely, though sometimes aggravating mode to be in. It’s interesting to me how it doesn’t seem to matter how many novels I write — and amazingly, I am now starting on my fourth – the same questions...
Finding Poetry in Cambodia

Finding Poetry in Cambodia

Over the five years that I  have been engaged with all things Cambodian, I  have written two novels set there, started to research a third, taught a couple of hundred students, raised money and awareness. I now joke that it seems I work in Cambodia although I live in...
Researching the Next Novel

Researching the Next Novel

I try to give myself a break. I know that the year in which a new novel is published needs to be devoted to giving that novel the best start in life it possibly can get. That means spending a year setting up events, running workshops, writing pieces for blogs,...