Workshop Results from Tampere, Finland

Workshop Results from Tampere, Finland

This has been a fantastic tour, and a busy one: 3 readings, 2 school workshops, lots of talking and eating and drinking. When I get frustrated by the difficulties of this writing life, I do need to remember how much it has enriched my life, too — all the new...

Billy Collins, Poetry and Dogs

In my last post, I admitted my confusion about gardens. Here, I admit my general indifference to dogs. And I call myself a Brit? Oh well… But I do love poetry, and I do love Billy Collins, and I confess to loving TED Talks. (I have met Billy Collins briefly, but...
'Ssh, by John Eliot

'Ssh, by John Eliot

A new poet, a new collection. ‘Ssh (love the title), is by the poet, John Eliot, who is quietly coming on the scene. It is also illustrated by Anne Lamali with a series of line drawings which are peppered throughout the text and really do complement the total....
Poets Popping Up

Poets Popping Up

How adorable is that? No, I won’t be sitting on top of Stonehenge on Tuesday, but I will be helping to celebrate the approach of the summer solstice by being one of four featured writers at: Midsummer Pop Up! Tuesday, 17 June, from 7.30 onward (come around 7 if...