A Writer’ Road: What I Read in 2019

I love year-end lists. I read them even if I’m not interested in the subject, just for the wonder of it, like The Year in Potatoes, or Messiest Celebrity Break-Ups of 2019. So I look forward to my annual list of what I read each year. I hope you’ll find it...

A Writer’s Road: Poetry Tips

I have an old friend who recently approached me with the desire to re-incorporate writing poetry into her life. How wonderful is that? It gave me the opportunity to pull together some basic rules of the road – rules which are, of course, meant to be broken, but...
The Tyranny of Titles

The Tyranny of Titles

Every workshop I teach leads to a discussion of The Title. 1. What is the purpose of a title? 2. Where should it come from? 3. How do you know if it’s any good? When I teach others, I can generally come up with some answers to these questions, like the...
Writing About Politics

Writing About Politics

Careful readers will note that I haven’t been on this blog lately. There’s always an excuse, but this time it’s a pretty good one. Since my last post, when I was running back-to-back meetings and workshops in Singapore, I’ve returned to...