A Writer’s Road: Living Without Assumptions

Spoiler Alert: This post has more questions than answers. Those of us who have flirted around the edges of Buddhism, or have downloaded a meditation app or two, have come across one pervasive truism: everything changes. During this present pandemic, this seems truer...

A Writer’s Road: Your Brain on Art

Those of us who spend time working in the arts, specifically creating new art – be it written, musical, visual – know instinctively that our brains work differently. We know that the hours of learning and practice have helped to develop areas of our brains...

A Writer’s Road: Why Travel?

There is an old adage that says you should write what you know. And I agree – as long as you take the idea of ‘what you know’ very broadly. For example, there are many writers who have written novels about places they have only been to briefly or not...