A Writer’s Road: To Know Your Cancer

It’s now ten days since my surgery, and the fact that I am here writing this is a very good sign. I never doubted I would be able to do it. But it all seems all the more miraculous to me, now that I am on the other side and realizing what I knew I was getting...

A Writer’s Road: The Waiting Game

They say patience is a virtue. Maybe, but it certainly makes life easier if you have it. Alas, most of us don’t, especially when we are facing something frightening, seemingly random, and threatening, like cancer. I have had to think a lot about the waiting...

A Writer’s Road: Cancer Conversations

Cancer is not easy to talk about. Some cancer patients decide to keep their cancer journey to themselves, discussing it with only those who must absolutely know. I have taken a different road. With my first utterance to my husband of the sentence I have cancer, I knew...

A Writer’s Road: My Body is Me

I’ll start with the update. The news is good, though complicated. All the tests indicated that the only cancer is that one nasty group of cells and nothing else, anywhere else. That is really, actually, all the news that matters. It means that we can go for a...

A Writer’s Road: From CoVid to Cancer

Last week I had my second vaccine dose. For me, the end of the CoVid nightmare is now in sight. Throughout this past year, I have written about my reactions to the pandemic here and here – the first 100 days, and then the second 100 days. As the vaccines became more...