For several years now, I have been following a terrific blog called Just William’s Luck. Once a week, William reviews something he has just read — that’s a lot of reading, to be sure — and he tries to highlight work published by smaller presses. As a result, you can often find clear, well-thought-out reviews by a serious reader of all sorts of books you wouldn’t find otherwise. Today, I found The New Perspective, by K. Arnold Price. William first wrote about this slim volume two years ago, but he loved it so that he has started a project around it:

 I thought the New Perspective was fantastic, but with copies so scarce and expensive I decided to lend it to anyone interested in giving it a go. What has begun is what I hope will be a kind of international library/book club with some of the network of bloggers and readers that I have connected with over the last 5 years sharing their thoughts on this short novel. 

The book was written when Price was 84 years old. It was her debut novel, and she was able to write only one more after that. I was intrigued when I read William’s blog about it this morning, and so I went looking. I was able to find a copy on Abe Books and for only £14, I bought it. And so, better late than never…..  And in the spirit of William’s project, I will throw my hat into the ring and offer my copy up to the first one asking for it. Leave a comment below with an email of how I can contact you, and after I have read and received the book, I will send it on over — as my gift to you.

I do love this sort of thing. It gives you hope, doesn’t it? Thanks, William.