Six years ago, I wrote a poetry play which went on to be produced in London’s fringe and published in book form. It was my first major publication, and as such holds a special place in my heart. Dreams of May has since gone on to have an exciting, well-traveled life — just as I have. But a few months ago, I was told that it was about to become part of the curriculum of a Masters Program in Creative Writing and so my wonderful publishers, Ward Wood, and I decided it was time to bring out a second edition.
I count myself lucky to have had this unusual piece published in the first place. But to now, six years later, have the opportunity to look at it with new, slightly older and more experienced eyes with the goal of producing a new edition was a very special treat, and challenge. How much did I want to change? Did I want to revise the poems themselves? How about the stage directions? I have written two full-length plays since first writing Dreams of May; how much did I now want that experience to influence this new publication? Ultimately, I decided that although I wanted to make a few changes here and there, the structure and foundation of the piece was still sound, and so I believe what we will see as this new edition will be the same, but even better…beginning with the cover. Check this out:
Spectacular, isn’t it? And it will be available here by the end of the month.
In an “in literature as in life” sort of way, I also want to say that I am writing this post on 8 August, the morning of my 30th wedding anniversary. Yes, six years is a long time, as I said above. But 30 years?That’s just crazy…crazy and wonderful. And like my poetry play, I’ve had a good look at my marriage and believe that “although I wanted to make a few changes here and there, the structure and foundation of the piece was still sound.” Of all the many decisions I’ve made, marrying my favourite Olympic Torch Bearer was absolutely the best. How lucky can a girl get?
Congratulations on the republishing! I have my treasured copy of Dreams of May, although I rather covet this new one with its stunning new cover. Love the way you managed to link this into your anniversary (mazal tov!), nicely done! 30 years is quite wondrous, here’s to the next 30 and more torch-bearing! x x
What a lovely joy-filled post! First congratulations on your 30th wedding anniversary!!! It really is such a fine accomplishment to keep a marriage going and healthy over such a long time.
Second, congrats on the republishing and the university studying the play. WOW!!! Great job!
(I see I’ve gone a bit wild with the lovely exclamation points but I believe I am justified)
Congratulations, Sue! I´m looking forward to readingthis when it comes out. Will it be ready by the time of the poetry book fair – September 8?