The best thing I can do for today’s blog is to point you in the direction of yesterday’s mini-interview of Margaret Atwood in The Guardian. Every Saturday, they run a Q&A where they ask the same 25 questions. Her answers are the best I’ve ever seen. My favourites are to the questions: What is your favourite word? and What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Although the joke at the end is pretty great, too. Enjoy!
The Wit and Wisdom of Margaret Atwood
by AuthorSue | Oct 30, 2011 | Uncategorized | 2 comments
Thanks for this Sue. I soo love Ms Atwood. And yes the joke made me laugh out loud.
Hola, quizás os interese saber que tenemos una colección que incluye el relato ‘Death by Landscape’ de Margaret Atwood en versión original conjuntamente con el relato ‘The Progress of Love’ de Alice Munro.
El formato de esta colección es innovador porque permite leer directamente la obra en inglés sin necesidad de usar el diccionario al integrarse un glosario en cada página.
Tenéis más info de este relato y de la colección Read&Listen en—margaret-atwood-.html