I will be very brief here because I’d love for you to go there, to a column organised by the fiction writer Lauri Kubitsile called The Writer’s Room. Lauri has asked several writers including Jenny Robson, Cheryl Ntumy,Wame Molefhe, Beatrice Lamwaka, Gothataone Moeng, Tania Hershman, Fiona Snyckers and me, a series of questions about writing, the craft, its challenges and delights. The variety of answers is fascinating. If you’re interested in writing — and of course you are, otherwise you wouldn’t be here in the first place — pop on over to read some great stuff and join the conversation by leaving a comment. Thanks, Lauri, for starting the discussion.
PS And here from Lauri is the link to Part I.
Sue thanks for linking this. Here is the link to the introductions of the writers in the Writers’ Room, as promised. He struggled to get all of the photos online so I told hi to leave them off. 🙁