I’m flying back to London today after a quick trip to Boston. The weekend was full of meetings, talking, seeing family, ridiculous weather and…dancing! Number 2 Son’s band played at a dinner for UK kids preparing to finish college – a proper black tie “Leavers Dinner”. His band plays great old Motown and funk tunes,but a Facebook friend turned me onto this Youtube video that I thought I’d share with you, just to keep the music theme going. It isn’t funk. It isn’t Motown. But it is a combination of three other favourites…the godlike Carlos Santana, Jose Feliciano, whose fabulous voice hasn’t changed in over 30 years and, with Ricky Martin who is a little too beautiful to look at, they are playing their take on “Light My Fire” by The Doors. For those of you who have read my novel Tangled Roots, you’ll remember that that piece of music provides a soundtrack to the life of my poor, distracted physics professor, John (oh yes – there is always a plug to be made).

Light My Fire Goes Latin

(I’m writing this on my IPad which is a bit tricky, so just in case the link doesn’t work, here’s the URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rAdO6hvjkY&sns=em