Today was the big event in Bangkok, my presentation at the Nielsen Hays Library.  It’s a beautiful place with a long history.  My friend, Jenny, is very active there and worked hard to get the event organized.  She was nervous that there wouldn’t be a large enough turnout, but she had no reason for that.  We had a terrific audience, nearly 40 people, I suppose.  And they were not only very attentive and responsive, but they bought lots of books!  I decided that today’s event should be in support of a Thai children’s charity, and Jenny suggested SET, a charity which is quite reminiscent of the Cambodian charity which I will be supporting over there.  You can read about SET here.  While we were preparing for the talk, the heavens opened up into a good old fashioned tropical storm, complete with lightning and thunder.  But that didn’t deter us or our audience.  And as it happened, the storm was over and the skies were clear as I talked.  Here is a video I made of the Library.  This is my first attempt at taking and downloading my own film, so bear with me.  It does give a good idea of the place, though, and it’s short.  Now I have a couple of days free to do some sightseeing before I head off to Siem Reap and a very busy week of workshops, research and events there.  Once again, thanks so much to Jenny for organizing the Bangkok leg of my tour, and to the blogosphere for bringing us together!