"Too Close" and Ann Alexander

Besides my own life as a writer, I do like to use this blog as a forum for conversations with other writers. I’m amassing a terrific list of these dialogues which I have held and posted over the years. They use to be listed under interviews over there on the...

She Speaks!

As an adjunct to my post about marketing, here is something new I’ve been fooling around with — the audio clip.  Using the not-quite-as-straightforward-as-it-seems software called Audacity (good name, though) I was able to record a short clip from A Clash...

A Weekend of Music

The orchestra that I play with, The Kensington Philharmonic, has it’s first concert of the season tonight at Chelsea Town Hall in London.  That meant a two hour rehearsal with the soloist yesterday, an afternoon run-through today, and then the concert tonight ...

The Dreaded M Word (marketing)

Fellow blogger, Lauri Kubuitsile, led me to this excellent article, “Should I Tweet?”  It’s not specifically about Twitter, but it is about the importance of marketing within the literary world.  Let’s face it — the job of a writer today...

From Cambodia and Back Again: The Movie

Over the past month, I have been working with a wonderful writer/activist art filmmaker, Nancy Boulicault, to create a sort of trailer for A Clash of Innocents.  But it’s a bit different.  This short, 2- minute film  isn’t really about the book. It’s...