This is one of those looking back to look forward posts…
About 3 or 4 years ago I decided I desperately, DESPERATELY, needed to meet some other writer/artist-types. I had a wonderful family, marvellous friends, but I didn’t know anyone who even came remotely close to doing what I did. There I was scribbling away in some closed off room, hardly ever believing I would ever get published and not at all understanding why I was doing all this anyway, and I had no one to discuss it with. That’s when I started trawling around the internet to find a retreat, a place I could go and meet other people crazy in the same was as I was/am crazy. Well, “trawling” makes it sound a bit more dramatic than it really was. I had an idea that such a place existed in Ireland, so I googled “writer’s retreat Ireland” and the first link on the list was Anam Cara. So I went.

Sue Booth-Forbes, the creative genius behind this amazing place, is not very demanding. The only thing she insists on is that you show her in some way that you have a project that you want to pursue and you are serious about spending your time pursuing it. I had a project….a novel which eventually became Tangled Roots. But my real unspoken goal was to meet other writers, which I did and continue to do every time I go. In two days, I head back up to West Cork for my sixth (?) visit. With any luck and a fair wind, I will finish the first draft of the Cambodia novel. But just as importantly, I’ll meet more artists, more people who talk about process, more people who obsess about commas (ah…commas….).

But what amazes me, really, is now to roll the film forward and see what I have been doing these past few days in the lead-up to my next trip. On Saturday, I had lunch with four writers from the site “Bloggers With Book Deals.” Debi Alper, Nicola Monaghan, Leigh Russell and Robin (forgive me for not getting your last name!!!). We sat for nearly two hours talking about writerly things, complaining about the state of the industry, reassuring each other and ourselves about the state of our creative output and the reasons why we continue in this crazy pursuit of ours. Today, I am having lunch with Vanessa Gebbie, the wonderful fiction writer who I first met at Anam Cara a few years ago. Tomorrow I’m having a drink with Nicky Schmidt, another writer who I have come to know via blogging and is here visiting from South Africa. Others will be joining us, too, though I’m not sure exactly who other than Debi — who I’ve felt like I’ve known forever and will now be seeing twice in one week!

So what’s the point? The point for me is that listening to my own needs and forcing myself out into the world was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I was petrified going to Anam Cara for the first time, petrified to talk to all these other people I was so very desperate to meet. But desperation can be a powerful impetus and now, a few short years later, my life is full of people “like” me. I am part of a real community. I am no longer alone. There’s a lot of crazy shit going on in the publishing industry today, much of it scary and discouraging. But my friends and I are in the middle of it, we stand together and that’s even more than I had ever dared hope for.

It’s my birthday on Thursday, 28th May. I think I’ve already gotten my present.

PS Not sure of the internet access up there, so if you don’t hear
from me for a week, you’ll know where I am and that I’m happy!