Seamlessly, from flight to flight, from continent to continent and back again.  When it works, it works.  So I traveled from Martha’s Vineyard to Boston to London to Edinburgh to London to Boston to Martha’s Vineyard all in four days.  Crazy, but worth it.  Number 1 Son’s show, “Pedal Pusher,” was riveting.  Yes, of course he was wonderful — what else would you expect — but the entire cast is terrific and it’s brilliantly accomplished.  You should see them using plastic chairs as bicycles.  The sheer physicality of it was amazing, and the festival seems to be taking note.  The crowds are regularly around the block waiting to get in.  The run continues for the rest of the festival, all August long.  If you plan on going, do put it on your list.  Not only because it’s my son.  It really is a great play!  But don’t take my word for it.  Read a great review here and here.

I also had a chance to grab breakfast with the playwright, Michael Hart, whose play No More, Salvator was one of the plays CurvingRoad produced this past June.  It was terrific catching up with him again and hearing about his latest plans.  He also said he’d look into bringing me and my new book up to Edinburgh for a reading or signing or talk somewhere (bless him).  If anyone else out there is in the Edinburgh area and wants to help bring me up your way, let me know.

I know I’ve begun the long march towards publicizing A Clash of Innocents by asking for help here.  Over the coming weeks there will be more and more interesting (I hope) posts about the book and it’s road to publication.  Hope you’ll stick with me.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks of summer.  Here you go with some more travelin’ music: