A Workshop Among the Ruins

A Workshop Among the Ruins

it’s always a pleasure to turn my blog over to someone who has recently returned from facilitating a Writing Through workshop. There are no better ambassadors for the work that we do than the talented and brave people who go out into the field and work with the...

Looking Back

I’m deeply grateful for the kind words and encouragement from the novelist, Lynda Renham. We share a common passion for Cambodia and here she takes a moment away from writing her hilarious comic novels to ask me about the changes which have occurred to my own...
Magic in Siem Reap

Magic in Siem Reap

Magic happens here all the time. You never know when one stray conversation will lead to a new connection, a new opportunity. This past Friday we traveled from Sisophon, which I wrote about here, back to Siem Reap for the Writing Through Cambodia Big Event celebrating...