Chatting with Colin

Chatting with Colin

I’m still coming down after the high that was the weekend of THE book launch. Out of the Ruins is now properly on its way. It will get into as many hands as it will get into, be read by as many people as will read it. I’m putting it that way because,...
Chatting with Colin

Out of the Ruins: 3,2,1,Take Off!

The day has finally come, the publication day of my new novel, Out of the Ruins. I think you know how exciting this is for me — obviously, I’ve been talking about little else for weeks! The party is this evening at the Brunei Gallery of SOAS (University of...
Chatting with Colin

With Nik Perring

The launch of Out of the Ruins is tomorrow. There’s been a lot of excitement and jumping up and down, but now is a good time for some more thoughtful reflection. Fellow writer, Nik Perring, has allowed me to do just that on his blog here. I hope you take a look....
Chatting with Colin

I'm With Shauna

The first stop on my short blog tour announcing the arrival of Out of the Ruins starts today! I am over on the blog, A Girl’s Writing is Never Done, by Shauna Gilligan. Shauna is a very special writer with a real gift for prose, and so I was delighted to have...