Some More Writings from Cambodia

Some More Writings from Cambodia

The Reading Life series of posts featuring the work of the Anjali House Writing Workshop students continues. We can now read three new posts of stories and poems from “Toots”, “Kent” and “Peter”. And thanks to Mel u, we now have a...
Some More Writings from Cambodia

Today's Anjali House Student Story

Sorry to be brief, but I’m about to board another airplane. But before I do, I want to point you in this direction, to read the next instalment of the series on The Reading Life !
Some More Writings from Cambodia

A Beautiful, Heartbreaking Story from Anjali House

Sonya has been one of my students at Anjali House since the very first workshop. Today on Mel u’s The Reading Life blog, you can read her latest story, one which, quite honestly, broke my heart and then mended it back together again. Sonya’s story  ...
Some More Writings from Cambodia

A New Poem from Anjali House

Please go here to read today’s poem from Donna, one of the students of the Anjali House Writing Workshop.   The previous posts on The Reading Life can be found via my blogs as below: “Max’s” work “Carmen’s” story and...
Some More Writings from Cambodia

Two New Anjali House Stories

Today, I can direct you to two new posts on Mel u’s The Reading Life which feature the work of two Anjali House students, one called Carmen, here, and one we are calling Max, here. Previous posts can all be found below. Victoria’s poem and memoir “Sally’s”...