Magic in Siem Reap

Magic in Siem Reap

Magic happens here all the time. You never know when one stray conversation will lead to a new connection, a new opportunity. This past Friday we traveled from Sisophon, which I wrote about here, back to Siem Reap for the Writing Through Cambodia Big Event celebrating...

Buddha's Birthday

Today, all the schools and many businesses are closed to celebrate Buddha’s Birthday. I went with the students and teachers of Anjali House to the local pagoda at Wat Svai to take part in the rituals. I do love it when I have the chance to participate in these...

I'm Back!!!

I’m back here in Siem Reap where the weather is surprisingly not boiling hot! I spent the weekend getting over jet lag and then today I was back at Anjali House, wearing my ‘Board of Trustees Hat.’ We are now nine months into our switch from a...