The Writer’s Road: Education and Neuroscience

photo courtesy of When I began to think about this new incarnation of my blog, I decided that I wanted to focus on topics of interest as well as facts about my own personal writing career. One of those topics which has fascinated me for years is that of...

A Writer’s Road: The Road (Seemingly) Not Taken

Ancient Tiryns (photo courtesy of A very long time ago, a young girl decided she wanted to be a writer. Years later, while in college, that same girl, now a woman, decided she wanted her writing to take the form of play writing. But being an...

A Writer’ Road: What I Read in 2019

I love year-end lists. I read them even if I’m not interested in the subject, just for the wonder of it, like The Year in Potatoes, or Messiest Celebrity Break-Ups of 2019. So I look forward to my annual list of what I read each year. I hope you’ll find it...

A Writer’s Road: The Power of Play

A quick reminder to myself, and all of us who consider ourselves to be ‘serious’ writers… I started to write ‘seriously’ when I was 8 years old. There was a play back then which I wrote and actually got performed for the school. But at...

A Writer’s Road: Poetry Tips

I have an old friend who recently approached me with the desire to re-incorporate writing poetry into her life. How wonderful is that? It gave me the opportunity to pull together some basic rules of the road – rules which are, of course, meant to be broken, but...