There’s still about a week left before I head back to London, but the place is clearing out, the weather is closing in (not that it’s been that good this summer), and I feel myself getting ready to get back to my real, workaday life (whatever that is). So, as my first official act to mark the approaching end of the summer, here’s my list of what I’ve been up to, in no particular order, some with photographic evidence, some not:

1. Watched gallons of rain pour out of the sky, but still managed to get a tan.
2. Enjoyed my garden

3. Spent lots of time with family and friends.
4. Grilled an ocean-full of fish (but only
sustainable ones).
5. Rode the waves as often as possible.
6. Watched the sunset

off the deck of my favourite restaurant on my anniversary.
7. Did lots of yoga and ran a road race.
8. Grew a pineapple and
then ate it.
9. Flew to England for the weekend to go to the Polyverse Poetry festival and see “Dreams of May” performed.
10. Watched the Red Sox beat the Yankees.
11. Wrote one poem and did some minor revisions on the new novel, but mainly spent a month NOT working.
12. Moved Number 2 Son into college and began to gaze into the depths of an empty nest.
13. Mourned the passing of Ted Kennedy.
A pretty full couple of months, by any account, and I’m sure there’s much that I left out. I know the next twelve months will be full of new adventures, accomplishments, frustrations, moving forward and stepping back. You can now expect to hear from me on a more regular basis to keep you up to date on the latest of the life of this one writer-wife-mother-sister-daughter-friend-teacher-student.