My last post, here, was about resolving not to resolve (among other things). But as I was preparing to write this post, I looked back to see what I was thinking about around this time last year. This is what I found, a list of New Years Resolutions for 2009:
1. To speak what I mean and write what I feel
2. To battle the forces of evil (intolerance, prejudice), one by one, as they rear their ugly faces in my life
3. To continue to strive for faith
4. To walk the fine line between demanding too much and demanding not enough of myself and those I love
5. To write because I love and need to, despite the vagaries of the marketplace.
Hmm. Interesting. So how did I do? Pretty well in a sort of impossible-to-prove kind of way. Yep, I did all 5 of those things, or at least I remember trying to. But what I’m finding even more interesting is that these would still be my list of resolutions this year, if I hadn’t resolved not to resolve. The only difference is that to number 3 I would add ..and courage… (thanks for reminding me of that, JJ).
I’m now wondering, though, if perhaps these ideas have moved out of the sphere of resolution, then, and into the sphere of principle. Life principle. Those things we always strive for, inevitably fall short of, but ultimately believe in. An interesting thought on this day when the entire world seems to be asleep under a blanket of snow. Maybe I should pretend that every day is a snow day.
And now to bring the metaphorical back down to earth, I’ll mention that the next time you hear from me I’ll be hurtling down the Alps on skis ( well, maybe not literally, but…oh, you know what I mean). Wish us luck.
To get us in the mood, here’s something fantastic I found on YouTube. Thanks BFIFilms:
Well, have fun on the slopes. And why not take a copy of Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics with you as holiday reading? You’re developing into something of a virtue theorist!
Dotterel: Watch it, or I’ll start calling you “The Doggerel” again. 🙂
What a FANTASTIC piece of film – thanks for posting that.
And you’re welcome for the word. You had my other two and it felt right and fitting from your post that you should have the trio.
I think that’s why I’m resistant to make NY resolutions… I think I should be making those, attempting to make those, all year round.
Good luck at skiing – don’t forget your long johns.
A lovely list of principles. I think we should have reachable goals but it’s also important to have those we might never reach completely.
Have fun skiing. I once went downhill skiing. It was not pretty.
Have a fun time!
I completely agree that those are not so much resolutions as Life Principals and very good ones they are too!!
Have a lovely holiday and ‘see’ you when you get back!
C x
Ps. Sorry I’ve not been around much recently. Uni has taken over my life…hopefully normal service will resume soon!