I told you I’d remind you! Go read all about my now not-so-secret obsession over at Novel Spaces. I mean, you don’t have to, but it would be nice if you did. And then you can make fun of me all you want…
And while I have your attention, here’s my list of beautiful bloggers. I hope you all enjoy your award.
Glyn Pope
Poul Webb
A Year in Holland Park
Not Only in Thailand
Peony Moon
Waving and Drowning
Very nice of you Sue – thanks very much. Hoping to see you Thursday but there is a small cloud on the horizon – may have to go to Cambridge. I’ll let you know.
Sue, thank you so much. And thank you for following Peony Moon. x
Ooohh it’s lovely, I shall polish it and display it with pride 🙂
C x
Sue, so very lovely and sweet of you! Gee shucks…. But thank you. And thank you too for being there.
So thrilled to be on your list. Am stuck in NY waiting for the volcano to stop belching so I can get home to London, to Holland Park, to my blog! x B
Sue don’t be embarassed about liking those lovey movies- I’m a reality show addict, even the really, really crap ones. I just become obsessed with the way people behave. We all must have our weaknesses. I also am more interested in people- plot, character. these are my loves- setting, not so much. People are just so interesting.