Not resolutions, goals.
2015 is going to be a busy year, as always. But more importantly, it’s going to be momentous (see below). I thought it would be helpful to me to actually write down some of what I hope to achieve this year, to try to get myself organised and even a bit balanced, if possible. And hey — I thought I’d bring you along for the ride. Here we go:
Continue to research, plot and structure my next novel. This will be my third in the series of books set in today’s Cambodia, and by this time next year, I want to be so ready to write that I can’t hold myself back any longer.
Continue to write poetry, send them out into the world, and try to get a few published. Within this, continue to write poems into the imagined next collection.
Write one short story or flash piece that I feel happy with and confident about sending out. Note the word ‘confident.’
Writing Through
Run all the workshops successfully which have already been planned for 2015.
Book workshops for 2016.
Secure the charitable status so I can raise money to subsidise the expansion, which is already happening like a runaway train. This will include looking towards establishing Writing Through programs even outside of Cambodia.
Find people to help run the organisation
Anjali House
* Continue to work with Anjali House to secure its financial and administrative sustainability.
Do whatever I can to help my students now in their last year of High School to complete the 12th grade and gain entry into University or fulfilling employment.
Theatre Delicatessen
Carry out my duties as Chairman of the Board to the best of my abilities.
Continue to assist them to bring their creative goals to fruition.
In this time of growing maturity, help the organization maintain a sound financial and administrative foundation.
Stay in touch as well as I can, no matter where I am in the world.
See my friends as much as I can, no matter where in the world they are.
Family (saving the most important for last)
*  Celebrate two big birthdays — one for my mom and one for me.
*  Celebrate the first of the Guiney boys’ weddings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*  Continue to help plan the second of the Guiney boys’ weddings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, it will be a big year, just as yours will be, I’m sure. As I sit here on the first airplane ride of the new year, I’m wishing all of us the health and energy to see it all through.