In the previous post here, I wrote about journalistic writing and how I have recently been asked by a few magazines to write articles for them about my work teaching street kids in Cambodia and setting up my writing workshop in the educational shelter, Anjali House. I’m happy to say that the first one recently came out. It is called “Creative Writing in Cambodia” and it is a relatively short piece in the new glossy magazine called AGI: Asian Global Impact. The magazine itself looks great, I think, and is filled with articles and photographs about all things Asian — from business to fashion to sports to well-being to education (which is where my article lands). And it covers issues concerning the entire continent — from the South Asian peninsula to Japan to China to SE Asia (again,where I come in). There is an online version of the magazine which has some of the articles as well as some new ones and a forum. But it doesn’t have my article up there, so here it is:
I wish I was able to take a better photo of it so that you could read it here. Any ideas on how to do that are welcome! But at least you can get an idea, and maybe it will whet your appetite ( or is it wet?) to check out the magazine itself. If you’re interested in Asia at all, I think this will really appeal to you.
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