I'm on Bookersatz

A quickie today…..the lovely and uber-energetic writer, Helen Hunt, has asked me to write a little something for the book review site Bookersatz. Her wish was my command.  Please do go check it out here. Without giving it away, I’ll just say it’s...

Drinking to Write

I’m not sure what sort of a post this will turn out to be. I’m jet-lagged to beat the band, and the trip eastward coming on the heels of lots of stressful nights due to our real estate wars has made me feel…well…pretty discombobulated. You know...

A Whirlwind of Poets

I’ve been thinking all week about whether I wanted to write a post or not about the latest upheaval among the members of the UK’s Poetry Society. I purposely try to steer clear of things political on my blog because my readers are from all over the globe,...