I have really loved spending this month visiting other blogs, meeting other readers I otherwise wouldn’t have known, and talking, talking, talking. We’ve covered a wide range of topics that lead from A Clash of Innocents itself then onto my own life, then meandering around this crazy obsession of writing and back again. I am actually making one more stop right now down in Botswana with Lauri Kubuitsile. Lauri and I are both expats, born and bred in the US, who have chosen to make our lives outside of our native country. It is a challenging, sometimes confusing, but ultimately rewarding choice to make and so I’m glad that we have had a chance to talk about what it means to be an expat and how it has affected my writing. There’s also a great discussion about writing in 1st vs 3rd person, something that I would very much like to talk more about.
But this blog tour has hit on many ideas and themes. Feel free to check out the discussions if you missed them before:
with J.D. Smith about writing in different genres and why Cambodia
with Sarah Salway about the writer as entrepreneur
with D.J. Kirkby about the story of the book and a quick quiz
with Glyn Pope about being a writer or being a “woman writer”
with Nik Perring about routine and my targeted reader
with Elizabeth Baines about war and violence
with Mike Horwood about planning and method
with Lane Mathias about letting go and staying focused
with Deb Carr about the road to publication
with Tim Atkinson about parenting and the role of music
with Debi Alper for a bit of showing and not telling
Now, on to Botswana…
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