About 6 months ago, I wrote about a wonderful initiative taken on by three women living in Australia. They decided to create a book of text and pictures dedicated to promoting the work of some of Cambodia’s most notable NGO’s. They decided to include Anjali House, the shelter where I founded my writing workshop, and quite surprisingly, they also decided to talk about me. I was honoured then, but I’m even more thrilled and humbled today as I hold a copy of that book in my hands.
It’s taken a while, but the book is finally here and it is beautiful, full of amazing stories, beautiful photographs, and lots of helpful information about Cambodian history, responsible tourism and handy travel tips. Here is their latest press release:

Beautiful country. Tragic recent history. Go have the adventure of a lifetime and be useful.
Over 40 exceptional NGOs (non-governmental organisations) have been singled out in a new book by three Australian writers, for doing great work in projects that range for helping children, education, building homes, caring for elephants or Asiatic bears, health care, arts, hospitality, ecotourism and more.
UNSUNG HEROES CAMBODIA provides a fascinating read about how they started and what they are doing to help the country heal from the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge.
There is contact information to make it easy for you to explore donating to them or helping in person.
Plus there’s a Volunteering Guide filled with practical tips. It even raises some complex issues about voluntourism and how you could actually be doing damage instead of good simply because you weren’t aware. For instance did you know that giving a few coins to the children begging on the streets could be sentencing them to a lifetime of poverty? Or that by visiting orphanages that you could be breaking up families?
It’s a fascinating book and is filled with stunning photos of real life in Cambodia.
We hope it will inspire you to become a hero — and by purchasing a not-for-profit copy you ARE a hero helping the projects in the book.
So buy a copy today from their website www.unsungheroes.net.au – they ship worldwide so you can give as a holiday gift. There is also an ebook guide designed for travellers to access this same info more easily than lugging a beautiful heavy coffee-table book weighing 2.2 kilos. HOW TO HELP IN CAMBODIA: An eBook Guide for Volunteers, Donors and Travellers is available exclusively from Amazon as a kindle book for $4.99

The holidays are, indeed, just around the corner. It’s a great idea, I think.
