I take it as a great compliment that the incredibly talented, Tania Hershman of The White Road and Other Stories, saw fit to give me “The Kreativ Blogger” award. Thanks, Tania! And so now I must list 7 things that I love….this ain’t so easy. I know I’ll spend the rest of the day (and night) thinking about all the other things I could have/should have mentioned. But here goes:

1. My “boys,” namely my husband (otherwise known here as D), Number 1 Son and Number 2 Son
2. My parents and my sisters
3. My friends, all of them
4. My life as a writer (even when I hate it)
5. My violin, even when I only play it once a week at orchestra rehearsals (if then)
6. My house on the Vineyard
7. Traveling to places I’ve never been before

And now I must pass this on to 7 bloggers who are creative and who I love:
Vanessa Gebbie, DJ Kirkby, Susan Richardson, Elizabeth Baines, Debi Alper, Not Only in Thailand, and Baroque in Hackney.