By Sue Guiney

Out of the Ruins


Out of the Ruins be­gins with one Cam­bod­ian doc­tor’s frus­tra­tion over how the poor women in his coun­try are dying need­lessly. He reaches out to friends to help him cre­ate a new clinic for the local vil­lages around Siem Reap’s world fam­ous temples, and they an­swer his call.

Irish Dr Di­ar­muid ar­rives with his Eng­lish as­sist­ant, Dr Gemma, and Ca­na­dian ad­min­is­trator Mr Fred. To­gether they cre­ate a place where the poor women of Cam­bodia can find the basic care that so much of the world has long since taken for gran­ted.

The young and am­bi­tious Cam­bod­ian nurse Srey acts as in­ter­preter and door­way into the trust of the local com­munity, but her ideal­ised view of west­ern medi­cine will be ser­i­ously shaken.

Tra­di­tion col­lides with sci­ence as East meets West, and though the doc­tors are all too eager to help, they have much to learn about their own per­sonal demons in this des­per­ate and se­duct­ive so­ci­ety.


Writer Sue Guiney finds beauty in the most desperate situations.

– The Bangkok Post


A wonderful haunting novel that now rates as one of my favourites.

– Lynda Renham, bestselling author of Pink Wellies and Flat Caps


This is a story that will grip you, with its very real and flawed protagonists and fascinating setting. I read the book straight through, I was utterly absorbed.

– Tania Hershman, author of My Mother is an Upright Piano


A Clash of Innocents

Against the back­drop of Cam­bodia’s vi­ol­ent past and the be­gin­nings of its new Tribunal for justice, a story of dis­placed souls un­folds in this first...

Out of the Ruins

Out of the Ruins be­gins with one Cam­bod­ian doc­tor’s frus­tra­tion over how the poor women in his coun­try are dying need­lessly...

Her Life Collected

Maiden, woman, crone—three tra­di­tional stages in the fe­male lifespan. In Sue Guiney’s Her Life Col­lec­ted, these stages are re-en­vi­sioned...

Dreams of May

Fea­tur­ing twenty-two poems for a single voice, Sue Guiney’s Dreams of May fol­lows a jour­ney that starts on a train and travels through...

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