By Sue Guiney

Her Life Collected

 Poetry Collection

Maiden, woman, crone—three tra­di­tional stages in the fe­male lifespan. In Sue Guiney’s Her Life Col­lec­ted, these stages are re-en­vi­sioned for a mod­ern time, ex­amin­ing through po­etry the fem­in­ine re­sponse to love, be­trayal, moth­er­hood, art, loss and gain as it changes throughout the dec­ades of an ima­gined life.
Sue Guiney’s poems evoke scenes from an Audrey Hepburn movie, an American teen movie, and a movie based on a novel by Anita Brookner. In bright images and scenarios she presents us with a life fully observed in the passage of time, unsparingly honest and very engaging.

– Katy Evans-Bush


Sue Guiney has the art of drawing the audience into her world, and setting your mind off on flights of fancy.

– Theatre World


A Clash of Innocents

Against the back­drop of Cam­bodia’s vi­ol­ent past and the be­gin­nings of its new Tribunal for justice, a story of dis­placed souls un­folds in this first...

Out of the Ruins

Out of the Ruins be­gins with one Cam­bod­ian doc­tor’s frus­tra­tion over how the poor women in his coun­try are dying need­lessly...

Her Life Collected

Maiden, woman, crone—three tra­di­tional stages in the fe­male lifespan. In Sue Guiney’s Her Life Col­lec­ted, these stages are re-en­vi­sioned...

Dreams of May

Fea­tur­ing twenty-two poems for a single voice, Sue Guiney’s Dreams of May fol­lows a jour­ney that starts on a train and travels through...

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